Designing for kids: a guide to safe playable experiences

Kids engage with the world in a more interactive way than adults. To capture their attention, branded experiences need to incorporate that interactivity. The most effective and memorable way to accomplish this is by creating playable experiences, also known as mini games.  The majority of kids that we’ve spoken to… Read More

Navigating COPPA for publishers: frequently asked questions

It is increasingly important for publishers to be aware of the legal implications of failing to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). In recent years, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has become more assertive in addressing violations of children’s online privacy, especially for… Read More

Behind the scenes with MediaMath’s SuperAwesome integration enabling kid-safety in programmatic advertising

MediaMath, an acclaimed independent advertising technology company for leading brands and agencies, recently announced an industry-first partnership to enable child-safety and privacy in programmatic advertising. Powered by our KidSafe Filter (part of our AwesomeAds solution), all ad impressions served to under-16 users via MediaMath are now guaranteed to… Read More

Ensure kid and brand safety on social video: a guide for content creators

Keeping up with the latest kids’ privacy requirements on social video platforms can be frustrating and confusing for content creators. Further complicating an already complex landscape, Google and YouTube’s record settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) resulted in changes to its platform and required many creators to rethink their approach to content.  In Part One of this series, we broke down three core learnings from the 2019 settlement. In Part Two, we took a deeper look into what has changed on YouTube since last year.  Read more to learn more about how these changes affect content creators, as well as best practices you can follow to ensure your videos and channel are kid-safe.  Read More