Young Teens are Different Report

Young Teens are different

How to effectively reach the influential 13-16 market

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Your aspirational-first digital strategy could be excluding 50% of your teen audience

Equipped with a potent combination of peak influence over household spending, as well as considerable spending power of their own, reaching the Young Teen segment should be the top priority for brands who previously targeted the broader teen demographic.

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is driven by Young Teens (13-16)

Young Teens are Influential

Young Teens have become the most influential household audience in the world

At an age where their loyalties are forming, Young Teens are highly susceptible to, and aware of their influence on, the opinions of others. They influence household purchase decisions more than 65% of the time.

Young Teens Spending Power

Young Teens spend most of their money on brands they care about

Brand loyalty forms young. Once a loyalty is formed, it has an immense impact on where Young Teens direct their spend, with over 50% of spend in most categories going to favored brands

Meet some of our Young Teen personas

Young Teens display many characteristics that set them apart from their older counterparts. Digging more deeply into the personas that make up this distinct segment enables us to map the complex behaviors that define their loyalty, reactions, and purchase patterns. There are seven personas in total, here’s a snapshot of three

Young Teens: Charismatic Captains

Charismatic Captains

“I am typically the first one to try out new products”

Young Teens: #Picture Perfects

#Picture Perfects

“Brand names really matter to me”

Young Teens: Dynamic Dreamers

Dynamic Dreamers

“I trust brands that have a genuine voice”

Dive into all of the personas that make up the Young Teens segment by downloading our report today

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How can my brand win the Young Teen market?

What makes Young Teens different

What makes Young Teens (13-16) different

The aspirational-only strategy won’t work.

Reaching the Young Teens audience, as distinct from kids and older teens, requires a layered approach that covers content, messaging, and a privacy-first approach to platforms.

Young Teens are different.

Adapt your strategies to reach this influential audience.